Welcome to WTM.org
Washington Teaching Math Organization
"Where the math is" (or will be soon)
Not to be confused with Wheres the Math, a math advocacy organization with a its own point of view.  You can find them using Google, but linger here a while first.
In Math Dsicussions, sometimes things get left out, such as context and comparisons.
Math WASL scores are lower than anyone wants.  But what is often left out is that math scores have overall been trending up, not down. The real low point was with students who had never seen an "NCTM reform text".
The national comparison test between states is NAEP, the Nation's Report Card.  Washington does qutie well on the nape, as does Masschusetts.  California is much lower.
Integrated Math is sometimes treated as a bugaboo in math discussions.  What is left out is that the math curricula in all the high-performing countries (including Singapore) are some form of integrated math.  Even Saxon Algebra is integrated with lots of geometry.  So just talking about integrated math is fairly meaningless without a lot more insight into what kind of integrated math.
There are too many college  students needing remedial math.  The number 30% has been cited for students needing remedial math in Washington.  What is left out is that this is a national problem which is even worse in many other states (including California).  So the problem can't be attributed just to the WASL or the Washington Standards. 
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